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tv   KRON 4 News at 4  KRON  December 16, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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>> and the mother said that he was at a party? >> we do not have confirmation on that it is believed it could be territorial based >> and essex any susp--asian, dark
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clothing with hoodies. and a pretty vague. >> to they leave the area by foot or by car? >> that, we do not know. >> and because of the nature of the woman's on this front, he was not ambushed. . we're hoping for more >> difficult for the family, and that the mother is increasing the love and concern from the community. >> she say goodbye to our son and so are many at sieger/birch with a fatality staffing. and this memorial, with images, fiddle-shooting at the cedar-perch intersection. at the fatal-shooting. saw this attack in september when
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somebody was also is hoping that somebody will come forward. and if it is was gang-related? >> and anybody that if anybody has and permissiany information that could come forward? >> to please come forward. >> many students were wearing black. he was a good kid, and just try to understand is a challenge. >> and want to let everybody know that my son was a beautiful son. he was a whole some man, went to church, and it is chores at home i do not know why this happened to my son. >> we have new details, with a new released letter. state regulators have warned pg&e about the gas line 60
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problems before the san bruno explosion. this letter was set from pg&e san bruno safety valve that persistent pipeline safety problems for put into the public endangerment. pg&e and says that this is a different type of pipeline that exploded in the san bruno and does not address the san bruno explosion. and the reactions from these new information what are people selling from san bruno? >> people are outraged! that is the gist of it for the most part they are very surprised. and if you look at this, catherine. homes, and boarded up. and they're used to be houses. i've been walking from this neighborhood. and for the most part, take a look at this and disinformation has been coming out piece by piece. that-disinformation, and it is not a big surprise
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but this this-information >> when they say this is a one time event that will probably not happen. if you read articles like this! it will probably change your mind. >> there is proof that they knew. nothing was done. it makes me mad but on the other hand, that is really help big business operates nowadays. >> the bottom line is that residents in this neighborhood. what is next and hoping that this letter will lead to somebody being more accountable, going forward. make sure that this situation does not happen again. reporting in the san bruno, dan kerman, kron 4 news. >> antioch, more are getting laid off, six more officers, these cuts are getting on the heels of 20 non- community service members earlier this year. now, 98
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sworn officers well below the recommended 127. the city's murder rate has doubled since last year. >> it is just getting worse. there were two fatalities last week! in one week alone. it seems to be a common occurrence. in the recent study that antioch is one of the most dangerous cities listed in california. >> added vallejo, to shoot and kill a man last week. this picture was released. that gun and he was reaching for this gun when an officer shot and killed him. they're releasing this as evidence of counter evidence that he was on are good at the time not hard at the time-- >> and if you noticed that- that th officer was not a qu-they're releasing this
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evidence as counter evidence. that the shooting victim was armed. >> that rainfall seven offshore, and that heavy will be coming later. it- sitting off shore. and with a wider view, you can notice a steady stream pushing towards the bay area. the radar is also showing a light showers as we go towards the weekend. you can see that spinning activity and pulling in that this moisture. and sending it to the bay area that is going to bring us heavy rainfall conditions. here is a look at tomorrow, at a glance the showers moving in overnight. certainly, that will effect your morning commute at the afternoon with widespread shower activity. heavier towards the afternoon/evening and temperatures will state court in the upper 40's for the north bay. what take a
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look there will only-stay in the upper 40's and the north bay. you do not want to measure your extended forecast coming up. stay with us. will be right back. don't miss your extended forecast. lightning fast. lightning strong.
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>> and business news, the dow jones was up 32 points, and a new report released on home sales in the bay area. researchers say that november is a steady compared to last month. overall, the median dipped a little bit because of a black month for sales and higher cost areas. 6111 new homes/condominiums were sold last month in the bay area. >> minimum-wage will get a lights christmas gift. 1.3 percent raise! a light- christmas a cat. $9.92 an hour, /+ 7 95. for the minimum age wage o$9.29 seven 95--9 79 currt
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minimum wage. ♪
4:13 pm
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the tiger attack a few teenagers and 2007. there he is, he has been appointed the new director of the honolulu services he resigned six months after the tiger attack. he began his new job in honolulu this week week. he, and is to staff have been criticized after the tiger escaped killing 17 year-old carlos. after the debt of the team and was revealed that the walls are rounding the tiger inn closure was 4 ft. lower with the-death of the team and 2007. >> and wikileaks supporter julian assange free after $300,000 in cash bail. he
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had been held for the amount of nine days and swedish authorities want to hold him for allegations of sexual assault that he denies. >> i hope that my continue the work and continue to protest my innocence in the this matter. >> his next stop will be at 810 bedroom mansion outside of london, a far cry. from his prison cell. and he heard disturbing news from the u.s.. >> and from one of our u.s. lawyers it is yet to be confirmed but a serious matter. it could be a u.s. indictment, and spanish. -- as been much. the 97- espionage, it could be espionage, >> and the alleged source of the leak.
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>> not only is it a mistaken called to a terrorism. it is slander. neither of them are more of a terrorist, and i am. >> the extradition hearing will be january 11th and he has to wear an electronic wristlet and report to police every day. pam and details of his e-mail, with a court ship of the web teenager---- >> this happened and 2004 before wikileaks was even a website. and they have the exclusive e-mail! he spoke to the woman. she was 19, he was 33. they met at a bar, and started eagling let us look at the e-mail. she's itch was a little creep out because she did not give him her phone number. and
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he ended up calling her which was catching her off card. and she responded by this. and after that, she said that he was hoping that she would call him. eventually, the woman said to please stop calling. a few more in dee-mails, and then with just a her voice is salted, that she believes in a matter that is a typical of her class. >> he was insulting her. >> a live look outside, from heavenly ski resort. with cloudy conditions, snowfall will be approaching later. the first, the rainfall on or stormtracker 4 radar. the storms pushing in offshore, and through overnight, widespread shower activity towards the coastline. and with our satellite image from the
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northern patterns are calling in and the tropical moisture and the warmth. and the futurecast, 41 not be a heavy day. and more shower activity by 9:00 a.m. it will not be a happy day on friday. however, by 3:00 p.m. on lake tahoe, widespread to the bay area. and snowfall in full swing. things will intensify as we go towards the evening. with areas of heavier area to the coastline, the bay area, the santa cruz mountains. that darker green and is indicating heavier snow rainfall-- >> and with the shower conditions it to the bay area. heavier rain/snow fall to the mountains. 5:00 p.m., but heavy and yellow/orange
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to the north bay. hello the rainfall totals are going to be pretty much nonstop rain fall. and the rainfall will be 2.5 in. this weekend perhaps even more in it north bay. and the santa cruz mountains, 4 in.-6 in., as a and 1.5 in the south bay. plenty of rainfall and it is not going to go anywhere! take a look at your extended forecast with friday-all the way until your extended forecast with heavier rain fall and gusting winds. it is going to be quite windy. temperatures will stay rather cool on this extended. but get out the umbrella and your rain gear. you are going to definitely in need it.
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>> let us take a look at the traffic in both directions. stay with us. we will be back after does brea this break quick break
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the and >> for those of you, better heading up to the high country, tony is joining us on the phone. with the chp. >> how do things look? >> it is chilly, they're all ec spots. however, we are getting ready for some icy spots with three-6 ft. through sunday. >> was going to say work it looks just fine. however, along interstate 80 it could be difficult and what advice can you give, tony? >> and please be prepared with a full tank of gasoline, food, water, and oftentimes if there could police. bring warm sleeping bags. -there could be-- chilies. and to have extra
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washer fluid. and have a pand with 6 ft.-8 ft. perhaps people should just stay home? >> [laughter] >> and i think that they should stay home particularly in the middle of the storm. if i'm helping them out of a bank but i want to see where they are going, safely. just to be prepared. >> thank you, tony oroszko with the c h p. and it looks pretty good but that is fully going to change. up to 8 ft. of snowfall expected! >> and still away from the first official part and start of winter. the southeast, the midwest, brought snow and icy roads. and as this is frozen >> with raleigh, n.c., just a cold it is in the south.
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this winter weather is sweeping to the deep south and the upper plains with plenty of problems especially on the roads. in georgia, trucks, solvents, sands, to get this high school kids out. after rice left this at a standstill for several hours. after- ice. and with authorities say that from an ice rink in just minutes. drivers went slipping and sliding. >> i must have hit a patch of ice and i lost control, hit a guardrail. and perhaps 50-75 ft.! >> georgia, alabama, and mississippi. several deaths. >> pileups. >> this is one of the worst the we have had. >> the price of the storm will be hitting kentucky, virginia, west virginia the southeast and the midwest could get several inches of snowfall! earlier this week,
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they began bracing for the worse. in tennessee, with a beet juice, salt and their solution. and the planes cannot compete with a wintry mix. airport trouble is getting interrupted with mother nature. in washington, sandra endo. >> and traffic is and find bot both directions. it is moving fine in both directions. we will be right back.
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live, from the bay area's news station >> this is kron 4 news at 4:30 >> intents weather coming from the batowards the bay area, >> and i can even see that this is going to be intense. >> it will start off slow and and it will gain an intensified throughout the weekend. with shower activity expected and is gaining strength offsho


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